
Clear day. I watched “ Hanako and Anne “ in the morning. I went to Yakuin riding the train to see a solo exhibition of Kamijo Atsushi. I ate seafood & vegetable noodle in the Taiwanese restaurant. Then I went to the National Museum, I watched the Cleveland Museum of Art exhibition. “ 地蔵菩薩像 Jizo-bosatsu zo “ Hyogu of gold and blue was beautiful. “ 龍虎図屏風 Ryuko-zu byobu “ Sesson drew. “ 山水画 Sansui-ga “ Souami drew. “雷神図屏風 Raijin-zu byobu “ Workshop of Sotatsu was produced. “ 地獄太夫図 JIgoku-dayu zu “ Kyosai Kawanabe drew. “ 松に椿・竹に朝顔図屏風 Matsu ni Tsubaki, Take ni Asagao zu byobu “ Yusho Kaiho drew. 蘭亭曲水図 Rantei-kyokusui zu “ Shohaku Soga drew. “ 晴天七十二芙蓉図 Seiten Nana-jyu-ni Fuyo zu “ Goshun drew. “ 燕子花図屏風 Kakitsubata zu byobu “ Shiko Watanabe drew. This exhibition had a lot of great work. In Dazaifu Tenmangu, about 80 percent of the language that my ears heard was a foreign language. I learned French and English. I watched “ Moyamoya Summers 2 “ in the evening.